CircuitLogix Simulation Software
The EV Technician program includes two simulation software products: 3DLab and CircuitLogix. The 3DLab simulation software is intended to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of electricity and basic electronics using "real-world" components in a user-friendly lab environment. The CircuitLogix simulator is a more advanced electronics simulation package that is used to enhance the students knowledge of EV communication systems, as well as power electronic devices and circuits, including converters, inverters and AC motor control systems.
3DLab Circuit Simulation.
The 3DLab simulator is used in the introductory modules of the program to help students visualize basic electronic circuits and to begin to interact directly with them, just like in a real lab. The 3DLab software creates a multimedia environment that is very engaging particularly for students with no prior, or a minimal, electrical or electronics background. 3DLab allows students to safely perform experiments and further their understanding of simple electrical and electronics circuits that are fundamental to understanding how EV powertrains and control systems function.
CircuitLogix Circuit Simulation
CircuitLogix is a powerful, yet easy to use circuit simulation tool which includes thousands of electronic devices, as well as test equipment and troubleshooting tools. There are hundreds of pre-built laboratory projects that are part of the course curriculum, plus students can build and design their own circuits to further their knowledge and understanding of electricity and electronics. The focus of the lab projects is to reinforce the EV theory that is covered by enabling the students to test and troubleshoot actual circuit schematics that are used in EVs. By using CircuitLogix, students will enhance their knowledge and skills in the study of communication and power electronics by observing and interacting with devices and circuits that are common in EVs and hybrid EVs.